Monday, September 24, 2007

day one: breakfast: local success; culinary semi-success

So the experiment/experience has begun and it began with my favorite meal -- breakfast. I attempted Martha's Rosemary Shallot Popovers and every ingredient was local! I just replaced the recipe's all-purpose flour with my local whole wheat flour and used butter in place of canola oil.

The cooking itself was was less successful. My popovers looked more like "cave-ins" and I'm pretty sure it wasn't just the whole wheat flour's fault. Here is what happened: I mixed all the batter together and poured it into the muffin tins (note: I do not own a popover tin; I have never even seen one) after the butter started sizzling. I started studying as the popovers started to bake, and something caused me to look over at the stovetop. What was on the stovetop? The rosemary-shallot mixture! I had completely forgotten to add the most important part of the recipe to the rest of the batter! Only five minutes had passed, so I simply took the muffin tin out of the oven and sprinkled the rosemary-shallot mixture on top of the batter in each cup.

In the end, although my popovers caved rather then popped, I thought they tasted amazing! This is a recipe I will keep local and keep on record for future use. I'll just remember to follow the recipe more closely.


Unknown said...

you can call them "popunders"

Crayons said...

You sound just like me! Kind of scatter-brained, but lots of fun.

Could you publish the recipe, or perhaps add a link to the recipe? I love rosemary. If not, maybe you could sometimes publish the recipe. I'm in a terrible rut these days.

Anonymous said...

"Cute" is the adjective that comes to mind that describes your popovers! And wtf-- a special pan just for them?! Martha's asking too much there.

I'm glad they tasted delicious. What a nice start to the challenge!